Portraits and Pints Headshot Event in Winterville, NC

October 12, 2023  •  Leave a Comment

In September I had the opportunity to host a networking event along with The Winterville Chamber of Commerce and Local Oak Brewing. Chamber members were invited to Local Oak for a night of networking, food by Beeker's Brisket and BBQ, drinks from Local Oak, and headshots taken by yours truly. We set up an area outside so members could pop over to have their headshot taken. I thought taking them outside created a casual setting, and also gave people the option for a unique background for their pictures. I later emailed everyone their proofs, and they had the opportunity to purchase their digital images at a discounted rate. 

It was raining when I arrived, but thankfully it cleared up and we enjoyed a relaxing evening getting to know each other, taking with friends, and enjoying the amazing food and drinks. I've been to similar events, but as a guest to have my photo taken, so it was a lot of fun to be behind the lens this time. I know posing by yourself can be awkward and taking the time to have these photos taken is not always a priority. So this was a great chance to get the photos done quickly in a fun, social setting. Almost everyone who walked up to me said "I don't like being photographed!". I assured them I'd be super quick and they could get back to the fun stuff! 

We had a great turnout, I met lots of wonderful people, and had so much fun taking photos. I look forward to hosting something like this again in the future!

Want to host an event similar to this at your place of business? Reach out to me! 508-269-6434 or [email protected]

Below is just a sample of some of the awesome pictures we took that evening!


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